Mandarin Battle Royale

HSK certifies your overall Mandarin proficiency but primarily on reading and writing skills. How about your SPEAKING proficiency especially in the business world?

With the launch of IndoPanda’s Speaking Proficiency Framework formed by 9 levels of speaking fluency benchmark, we are organising the first Mandarin Battle Royale on 6 April 2021 for M4 (Trooper/举人)level to identify the winner!

Why Should You Join?

Successful contestant will receive the Award below:

How Does the Assessment Work?

Unlike HSK which is a paper exam, Mandarin Battle Royale is 100% focused on assessing your speaking fluency in a highly dynamic conversation, with the scope of testing and assessment criteria as below: 

(A) Mechanism of Assessment 

1. Part 1: Self-Introduction & Answer some questions about themselves (5 Mins)

2. Part 2: You will be randomly given a description of 1 workplace scene in advance, and there will be a spontaneous role play where the evaluator acts as the Chinese colleague or supervisor to run the conversation with you. (10 Mins)

(B) 5 Assessment Criteria

– 1 to 5 – Able to understand the statement and response accurately (there is no one fixed answer so long as logical)

– 1 to 5 – Sentence fluency with minimal grammatical mistakes

– 1 to 5 – Accurate usage of the vocabs

– 1 to 5 – Pronunciation 

– 1 to 5 – Body Language

(C) Test Duration

A 15-minute conversation with native evaluator. 

(D) Other Features

– This is a live streamed session so other members can watch and learn. 

– After the assessment, we will announce the result on the same night basis, together with the comment and feedback for further improvement. 

How to Prepare for the Assessment?

You are advised to attend the 12 topics of Masterclass and Speaking Circle under our Business Mandarin series, as the testing questions will be likely from the scenes. 

The 12 scenes include:

1. Conversation over lunch

2. How to offer & receive gifts tactfully

3. Preparing reports for the boss

4. Itinerary scheduling for the boss

5. Organising a cross-department meeting

6. Scheduling meeting with clients

7. Company Introduction

8. Requesting for quotations

9. Product Introduction

10. Chasing for delivery

11. Working Location and Office Environment

12. Department, Designation and Title

Course/Event Details

Level opened: M4
Date & Time: 20 April 2021 (Tues Night) 7.30 PM WIB. 
Registration Period: 3 Mar to 31 Mar 2021

Event Mode: Zoom Livestream to Youtube/Facebook
Language Medium: Mandarin (some English and Bahasa are allowed)

Registration Fee: Rp80,000 (You can use PandaCoin to pay!)
Audience can take part for FREE!

As the first batch contestants, you will receive 5 hours of coaching – FREE OF CHARGE!

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