IndoPanda Proficiency Framework

IndoPanda Proficiency Framework is formed by 9 levels of speaking fluency, from M1 beginner at zero to M9 at native level with full proficiency in Business Mandarin content. Members can move up their level by taking evaluation test at Mandarin Battle Royale held monthly.

M9: 大Boss
You can understand the vast majority of Mandarin (spoken or written) that you encounter. Your proficiency is near or equal to that of a native Mandarin speaker. You can understand the finer nuances of tone, pacing, and word choice, even in complex texts or situations.
M8: Legend
You have a firmer grasp of more complex grammar structures, implicit meaning in both text and speech. You are able to apply the idioms aptly into the context, and familiar with the usage of the trending internet lingo.
M7: Hero
You can write and deliver a full speech. You are able to conduct a business presentation smoothly and able to answer to the questions raised appropriately and completely.
M6: Master
You can take part in conversations on a variety of topics. You may not know a lot of industry vocabulary, but you can still convey complex thoughts, explanations, experiences, or concepts with moderate accuracy.
M5: Fighter
You can participate in the business meetings, discussion and present opinions clearly and consistently. Able to discuss a relatively wide range of topics in Mandarin and can communicate with native Chinese speakers fluently in common situations.
M4: Trooper
You can understand work related instructions and respond accordingly. You can apply some frequently used business expressions and requirements in work environment and function accordingly.
M3: Survivor
You can speak in full sentences and phrases on simple topics such as about yourself, your studies, your job etc. While your listening comprehension has improved, you might still need others to speak slowly or repeat themselves from time to time.
M2: Rookie
You can communicate simply and directly on daily topics you are familiar with. Your vocabulary covers a broader array of subjects than M1, but your interactions are still limited to direct exchanges of information.
M1: Starter
You can understand and use simple words and phrases in Mandarin. You can ask and answer simple questions (i.e. How old are you? Where do you live?)