Your Mandarin Learning Partner

For a Better Career

Indopanda Elite Akademi adalah platform edukasi dari Singapura yang berfokus pada pelatihan bagi warga Indonesia agar dapat lulus Ujian HSK dan sebagai penyedia beasiswa yang berkualitas dari berbagai universitas ternama di Tiongkok.

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Our Vision

Mempercepat peningkatan talenta bahasa Mandarin agar mampu bersaing secara internasional

Our Mission

Menyediakan kesempatan yang setara bagi semua kalangan melalui pendidikan yang terjangkau

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Hendri Zhang
CEO & Co-Founder

Hai Sobat Pandai!

Welcome to IndoPanda. We are an educational platform that focuses on training for Indonesian citizens to pass the HSK Exam and as a provider of quality scholarships from various well-known universities in China. In IndoPanda, we have a dream to accelerate the building of Mandarin talents in Indonesia who are internationally competitive

Let me elaborate.

I was born in a small village in Batam – in the period where Chinese learning opportunities were limited. I was lucky to have a father who would teach me Mandarin at home.  Personally, I have seen the world of wisdom & opportunities that are being opened to me by knowing Mandarin at a proficient level.

I wish that IndoPanda can provide the same opportunities for young Indonesians who aspire to learn Mandarin and become an internationally competitive Mandarin talent. I wish IndoPanda can impact more life on this beautiful land made by thousands of islands. The Mandarin education with IndoPanda should be affordable & accessible, not limited by financial resources and geographical location they’re at.

The world has changed. English has already been the Lingua Franca for hundreds of years. It has become a basic necessity. How do you stand out from the crowd? You can stand out by speaking 3 languages: Bahasa Indonesia, English & Mandarin. Mandarin is the language that’s spoken by the most people in the world.  With the rise of China, Tri-lingual talents in Indonesia can be the bridge between China & the rest of the world.

We live in an era where we have the power to change our fate and Indonesians are well positioned to catch the train 🚂 to the future

You must catch this window period, achieve Mandarin proficiency in the shortest period of time possible. Down the road, you will definitely thank yourself for the choice & sacrifice you made now.

On top of that, have you thought of becoming a global talent that can work in international companies at the comfort of your home? Some of you here may already be living that dream! Staying in Indonesia but working for Singapore, Taiwan, Hongkong and China companies. :)

Tri-lingual talent will not only understand the languages, but also understand the working culture and thinking process of the east and west. There aren’t many such talents if you look around the world.

That’s the reason why we want to take various initiatives and create the opportunities and platforms for young Indonesian to rise up and become internationally competitive mandarin talents

All the best and see you at the top!

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Kami menawarkan materi pembelajaran terbaru, relasi, dan kesempatan yang terjangkau bagi semua kalangan, serta memungkinkan mereka menguasai Bahasa Mandarin dengan cara yang cepat. Dengan kurasi pendidikan profesional tersebut diharapkan dapat membekali anak muda Indonesia dengan pengalaman internasional dan relasi yang berharga, yang akan menjadikan mereka menjadi talenta Mandarin yang dicari-cari dengan masa depan karir yang cerah.

Kami memiliki 13 tahun pengalaman dalam menawarkan pelatihan Bahasa Mandarin Bisnis untuk MNC dan dewan negara bagian di Singapura di bawah Elite Linguistic Network. Kami menggunakan standar internasional penjaminan mutu dalam layanan pendidikan, dan juga mengenal  budaya kerja di Tiongkok dan Indonesia.

Our Management Team

Hendri Zhang

Co-Founder & CEO

Hong Yin Yin

Co-Founder, Marketing

Ocean Jiang

Co-Founder, Business Development

Claire Yue

Co-Founder, Training & Quality

Our Local Executive Team

Our Trainers

Lifa Laoshi

Pengajar PandaLite 4

Lidya Laoshi

Pengajar PandaLite 3

Manda Laoshi

Pengajar HaloPanda 2

Peipei Laoshi

Pengajar PandaPro 5

Siti Soleha Laoshi

Pengajar HaloPanda 2

Michelle Laoshi

Pengajar HaloPanda 1

Company Identity