IndoPanda Laoshi Profile - Lifa Laoshi

Hai, aku Sitti Holifah 老师

Lulus dari Tianjin Normal University untuk program sarjana dan pascasarjana

Mengajar Pandalite 4

HSK 6 | HSKK 高级

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Tianjin Government full scholarship – two
years for master

Won the second prize of Beijing Tianjin Hebei ASEAN Student’s Chinese competition for Tianjin District Area

Confucius Institute undergraduate full scholarship


   Pre-school Teacher of Xin Zhong Mandarin Course

   Internship at Yandun Road Kindergarten, Guangzhou city

Yuk Ikut Trial Class Lesson!

PandaLite 3
Kamis, 30 Juni 2022 | 19.00 - 19.45 WIB
PandaLite 4
Jumat, 1 Juli 2022 | 19.00 - 19.45 WIB
PandaPro 5
Jumat, 1 Juli 2022 | 19.00 - 19.45 WIB